Sundays @ 10am at 41 St Andrews Drive, Union, MO 63084

Who Are We?

We are a people of God who desire to
equip the saints, evangelize the lost & exalt the name of Christ!


As a people of faith, hope, & love, you will be fed with rock solid Bible teaching.


We desire to be known as a praying people. Prayer is an intentional element of our time together because we know that the Lord works when His people pray.


You will experience real & genuine community as we share life together in our weekly small groups!


We are a church that seeks to unlock your greatest potential for eternal impact & influence both in our community and around the world.


You will find a safe & intentional environment for your kids where they will be learning & growing in the LORD as we partner with you, their parents, to train them up as men & women of faith!


We want you to know that you are welcomed. But even more than that, we want you to know that you are wanted, included & loved.

In Revelation chapter seven, there is a specific group which received a divine stamp, a watermark-like sign if you will, from the LORD Most High which not only set these believers apart for an incredibly powerful & prominent task but it secured & sustained them under the sovereign hand of God.

Why the Name Watermark?

Because, both individually and corporately, we have been marked by our God as belonging to Him! As the light of Christ shines through His people at Watermark, the only One who is both identified and glorified is the LORD our God who created and called us to this place and for this purpose:

  1. That the Father’s glory may be expressed…and praised!
  2. That the Son’s name may be exalted…and praised!
  3. That the Spirit’s work may be exemplified…and praised!

Here at Watermark, our God is actively present and already powerfully at work in and through the lives of His people. If you want to experience God and take part in a global movement that is beginning right here in Union, Missouri, please join us Sundays at 9:00am at Great 8 Cinema!

Message Archive

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Announcement Slides from
May 12th’s Service

Church Blog

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Three Defeated Foes & Why That’s Important – Death

God did not create death, but death was ushered in because mankind chose to subject themselves under its rule. As such, it now reigns supreme and has dominion over our lives. But death has already been defeated at the resurrection of Jesus because our God proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is…

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